
Your great grandfather?


You need to get in touch with every university on the planet that has a biology/genetics wing, as your longevity is something of a fucking miracle.

I’m not going to stop drinking Fanta because it was created under the Nazi regime.

I’m curious: Where is the factual census-based data that establishes that no person of color was present in Bohemia at the time of the game’s setting?

Because, y’know, saying the creator’s statements are based on “facts” doesn’t magically make it so.

The difference between you assuming my emotional state and my

What’s really amazing is that commenter is “approved” and out of the grays. There really is no moderating in Kinjaland, I guess.

They don’t care. They get more clicks now that the site is part of a strip mall.

The greys system is absolutely idiotic. I get the background behind it — trolls were posting grotesque graphics of mutilated women and things like that.

It would’ve been 150 posts by now under the old Disqus system.

Yeah, 7 comments after an hour, for what is probably the site’s most popular non-review recurring series. They hung themselves.

Wow, this comment section sure is dead now that we’ve moved over to Kinja (only one comment on AHOV article). Are you happy now, AVClub?