
Nope. They're both terrible people.

His daughter wasn't raped. She had consensual sex.

Frank Miller is great stuff so long as it's not your entire entertainment diet.

Those pretty much are the options.

I'm torn.

Interesting. I don't think Maggie is any better than Marty, and she proved it again with her actions.

I don't think it is about misogyny.

I love True Detective. It basically scratches that Frank Miller itch for me, just with HBO production values.

Fair enough.

Good answer.

Who was originally cast in Panic Room (which was not good at all IMO)?

Good for her.

Also totally off-topic, hypothetical question, but do you think somebody who had no choice but to eat used gym socks for the rest of his life would convince himself that used gym socks were delicious and better than any alternatives?

I've never met a fitness obsessed Cali girl that was uptight. They're actually very laid back in most cases.

I don't know of a liberal arts college where it's not. If you already know a second language going in, then you can pass out and get the credit, but most include it as one of the gen eds needed to graduate.

Amazing. Well done sir. All the slow-claps for you.

This one is a big, fat, no duh, but most of us go into college ill-prepared for how an interest rate works or a minimum payment, and even less concept of how often or in what ways credit cards report to credit bureaus, or exactly terrible it will feel to wait out seven years for a bad choice at 19 that you won't even

I don't think anybody should be paid alimony, man or woman.

I'm with you.

True, he's not entitled to anything.