Cris E

I think he's just taking the light bulbs out, not the whole fixtures. Steve is not… comfortable in full light.

"What the best thing about Switzerland?"
"I don't know, but the flag's a big plus!"

Go back to the video and watch the blinking.

Nope, all good. Well, except for starting DFW at all…

Barbeque has gotten better all over the country in the past ten years. It used to be very regional, but these days you can actually eat it in many parts of the country.


The point where he lost me was when he chose to flee rather than make his friend feel comfortable. "That's one's ham, the other is kind of a salami thing, what do you like? There are salads on that board over there." What's funny is that if you go to a nice enough Mexican place you can find yourself not knowing what

That's true. Richard was recounting your visit just the other evening and we had a quiet laugh at your expense. Do you know where he ended up feeding you? Dear lord that was positively sublime.

No, there's a real feeling of insecurity that comes from not knowing what things are on a menu. Not knowing the basic vocabulary is a clear indicator that you don't belong in a place.

Or at least assign them as edit partners for the semester.

Using chop sticks? A straw? No hands? TELL ME.

Not sure, but I'm concerned that my local Taco Bell's ICE agent might not be 100% Texican.

He's probably finally vested in some sweet, sweet puppet money pension and can get away from the sweat, grime and pain of commercial felt fondling to sit upright without hiding behind a counter.

Yeah, my Jim Henson dreams tend towards the Chucky end of things, so not like this.

Subbed it out to the Dickens Temp Agency with offices in West Hollywood and Mumbai.

It's about laundry. (No it isn't.)

"Kazakhstan greatest country in the world.
All other countries are run by little girls.
Kazakhstan number one exporter of potassium.
Other countries have inferior potassium…"

The Russian goal is not a well-run American machine supporting their goals, it's a broken American machine not impeding their goals. It removes us from the grown-up table rather than merely making room for them.

I buy a half beef and a whole hog each year. Freezers rock.

I saw that very word on a powerpoint slide Friday. Idiom can be a mean bitch sometimes.