Cris E

"Head to our web site for an amazing opportunity. This winter we'll be taking a Wheel of Fortune cruise on the beautiful Amistad…"

As with everything, the muddy grey truth lies somewhere in the middle.

No one smokes so to prep the bowls we have to burn organic hemp leaves with artisinal methane. That's right, we make our own damn methane!

Well then you'll have to drop back to the old truism that many people who follow fad diets are idiots. That one is always good.

For the Trail of Tears you really want to go with the cavalry as guides. Same with US Army for those WWII internment sites. The guys look great in the old uniforms, and all them sick and weak losers just send such a depressing vibe you can't sell hardly any tshirts at all.

Just so you know, you could probably break those laws too.

Well if they wouldn't dress like shark snacks…

You appreciate things more at 1200bps.

Unless you drown in the arms of a skanky date rapist.

It's a nice contrast how the friendly woodsman is striding along next to that Hitler youth on the right.

Laughing at someone is different from laughing at what someone says.

Great post, but I'm never putting ketchup on a steak.

It will comfort you to know that you are, in fact, wrong and you do enjoy brats.

My wife doesn't, but she has a decent reason.

For that weekend, anyway.

I thought you knew that when he's wearing the suit it's business time, but when the clothes come off it's BUSINESS TIME! will translate any of that shit. It's like it's seen everything at this point.

Vasectomy - Yes
Dickectomy - Noooooo!

In a well-lit shower.

It's easier to go with proxies than actually trying to match tour schedules, coordinate cities and, um, meet.