Cris E

Don't you know how it's made? That's not irony you're tasting…

Doubly cool because you get to keep your money, and when you DO give it away you get to feel super-virtuous.

My date would be 1992, not 1980, but potato-potato and agree on the rest.

Evidence, it means "how I know something is true." In the Breitbart style book it's spelled T-w-i-t-t-e-r.

Irish/Norwegian: what it costs in sunscreen it pays back in missed hassles.

Red Sox pitcher Bill "The Spaceman" Lee wrote something similar to the mayor of Boston back in the day.

Or Vacation where people freaked out about the dog that disappeared while tied to the bumper but not saying a world about the dead grandmother on the roof of the same car.

A guy is sitting at the bar, talking to the bartender. Bartender says "You seem sad." "Yeah, sixty years ago today my father died in a concentration camp." "Oh, that's terrible. How did it happen?" "He fell out of a guard tower."

That's kind of the definition of growing up: your experience informs and changes your impulses.

(Old Scandinavian accent joke.)

Exactly. What part of "(web) object permanence" hasn't kicked in by that age, and who cares what Facebook group you aren't in when you're moving out of one life and into another? Seriously, you get a shot at a clean slate, you're leaving your high school world and moving to the east coast, a white canvas, and this is…

And another once they figured out who he was.

No sir, that's the Chico State HONORS program.

Call it Top Gun: Lemon Party. Cruise can play Tom "Viper" Skerritt, and Tom Skerritt can play, ummm, well he can still be playing Tom Skerritt.

apologetic? repentent? poor?

BTM CRS didn't test well.

Wait, we still aren't doing "phrasing"?

Oh man, that beer's empty.

Old English 800 maybe. Sheesh, what a snore.

It was in that 13 Postings thread wasn't it?