Cris E

Yeah, six of one, half a dozen the other.

I tried reading it in jr high, so I'm not sure I ever made it past about chapter two. I'm certainly not going to go back and tackle it now no matter what Colbert says.

Do you really want nerds entering through that door?

It would be like if Dan Akroyd's kid cranked out five or six more Blues Brothers books and made something exploitative like Blues Brothers 2000. Tacky.*

It's fantasy, so could there be an unobnoxious mandolin, just this once?

Peter Best was going to play Fredegar "Fatty" Bolger.

A bad day cut-n-pastin' is better than a good day workin'.

I stopped at three.

Does he answer to Beorn? Because I have this neighbor…

Maybe it would be easier if you grafted it onto an easier book adaptation? How about 100 Years of Solitude, or Ulysses, or maybe a multi-part In Search of Lost Time?

That's not dusty, it's hemp. And it's not just a drug, man, you make stuff with it. Like, errr, book covers, rope and, um, what's the right name for those drug rugs?

They can do what they want once I'm gone. I'm more concerned that they want to profit off the sale of organs I'm still using.

Um, I have a Brian Herbert on line 1, says he can help you out with the details.

Minions V: Milking The Concept

Cows have four stomachs, so maybe it's sort of like that.

…in The Basket

Four hours of Liv Tylor staring into a blinding light?

Little known fact from the books: Legolas is a woman passing as a man because her dad won't let her go to war. It's Mulan with pointy ears and Mr Anderson. In the early drafts it was spelled Lego Lass because she had bumpy parts on the front.

PTSD is a bitch, man.

Make America stenographers again!
Make America telephone operators again!
Make America voters again! Wait, what?