Cris E

Amazon is over $1k so it might have peaked, people drown all the time, and what about the mercury? Am I over-thinking this?

Maybe she could just try to get by mocking crippled reporters and suggesting her audience get their guns and swing by the White House. I hear that pays well.

There's more later, but it had to be self-published on Amazon. Search for Fifty Shades of Detention.

You know you're an adult when you purchase your first lawn cane.

Good news for the youth of today from the new Carl Sagan, which leads naturally to the question "How is the Starship Enterprise like a wad of toilet paper?"

But he's the right height! What else do you need?

That seems a bit restrictive. I highly recommend finding a copy of Blazing Saddles and relaxing a little.

Are you my wife?

Every 250 years or so the world needs a new Tristam Shandy.

I'm way too old, but I have a nine year old that went through his brother's copies a couple years ago. Back when I was eight (and a collossal nerd) I read and re-read and re-re-read The Mad Scientists Club, which I found hilarious in a rigid 1960s science nerd sort of way. Not nearly on par with Pilkey, but still

I had Sam Kinison with (significantly) less swearing.

It helps justify a larger budget too.

But that's different. The power, grace and beauty of MLP comes from within. The externalities just get in the way of true friendship, and stripping them away via primitive imagery to expose the inner story forces the viewer to… why are you looking at me that way?

…or just "your anus".

Does your movies-with-beer venue actually run titles from this end of the shelf? I mean, I could see it as a midnight showing for the lightly baked, but as a first run would they really offer this? Ours would probably not, what with the potential for parent shaming that lurks in every suburban mom's iPhone.

But it's totally OK to recognize and celebrate the zombie-like emptyness in her pale, dead eyes. I think that speaks to her poverty of soul more than her body.

They are way short of judgmental blondes at the moment, and I hear working conditions are improving.

TG2: Asking, Telling

The militry tax cuts will growth at 3%, fundang all!

Favorite bumpersticker: "I'll believe corporation are people when Texas executes one."