Cris E

Germans love David Hasselhoff. It's true.

But you never age, so you'd always be as hot as you were the day you were cast on Baywatch.

Cheaper than actual writing. And once they saw the rest of the show, better as well.

Johnny Depp Continues To Make Movie s.

Orange catches the eye, which kind of falls into his "Any attention is good attention" ethos. But he went white before the election to look Solid and Stately and Not Orange. Those advisors just don't like colorful characters, I guess.

Also the KFC grease.

He got some advice when he won last fall: "Whenever life puts you in a situation you'd ordinarily NEVER be in, try to smile." What you got there is classic Trying To Smile.

And a heavy cough. She thought the diet would do it, but you really need evidence of infection before you jump in.

When he's done does he get to keep the suit? I mean, after they leave the Army I see guys wearing their fatigues to go hunting or paint the garage, so would he get to keep his Guard outfit to, say, go to the store or appear in Cirque du Soeil?

Of course you're not, you actually sing out loud. WTF?

Ironic that the troops charged with enforcing these rules wear such garish costumes. Have you seen what they issue the Vatican's Swiss Guard? Do search it for an outstanding example of sartorial expression of contempt for modern standards.

Don't refute it, just ask "What do you think? Does it really sound plausible? C'mon." A light scoffing at the notion but not the person usually gets 'er done.

It's changes like these that have led to the collapse of civil engineering skills in American youth!

Listen, Breitbart was on-board with granting the credentials. IW? They're as legit as any of us. But have you seen that head? Can't get around it in the halls. Had to strike that one. Well OK maybe when no one is around trying to work. Day pass, sure, but let me get out to my car first.

Thank you Dr Thompson, we'll be in touch.

They wrote similar stuff about Bush after he'd been office a while. I blame fluoride in the water and way too much coke in the 80s. Google "bush mental health" and you'll come across a host of articles and video compilations illustrating his decline.

Um, Obama did have a long career in public service and served as a congressman. There was plenty to indicate what he believed and how he'd vote. Dwayne is a blank page.

Heh. Whistle past this graveyard, Mr Conservative. If he wants to steal your party and walk away from your agenda (for the third time in the past dozen years) then you may just have to suck it up (again) and follow the guy who can get the votes. Your party follows anyone who can manage to get in front of them. Don't

Modern people have faith in evolution and the ability to grow and learn. It's why you have an account.

Trump has for more important things to worry about than the 2016 election. Say, for example, the collapse of his administration from within.