Cris E

Trump's big fat ass is out golfing at Mar-A-Lago most of the time. Honestly I'd like it better if that's all he did, but he keeps wandering into the office and signing shit.

"In the spirit of humanity," wouldn't your beautiful tournament of ideas be more excellent if obvious losers like Mr Rapefugee up there were pulled out of the mix early to let better ideas expand and develop?

A lot of people, my sister was one of them, did the harmless protest vote against the two major parties as a kind of "Screw you, start taking this seriously." Her actual words to me the next day were "I didn't think he'd win."

MN has a Muslim Congressman. MN has no "Muslim no-go zones" nor do they exist anywhere else. You;re so disjointed and random I'm kind of thinking you're just a bot.

Batshit crazy. Seriously dumb. Stop.

Trump is your man? You know, it takes a special kind of "man" to so completely humiliate himself on such a huge stage in such a short period of time. It says a lot about you that this is your idol.

Coast Guard, but yes.

But his PR staff has been in catchup mode since about the first week.

Well this is where the re-education camp will help…

In Mirror Universe Trump is an average Trappist monk living a life of simple contemplation. It can't get much more opposite than that.

Ah yes, the rare Wisconsin Spineless Shitweasel. Rarely seen in their native territory in the upper midwest, they are most frequently observed on the Atlantic seaboard running from reporters.

I read it on the internet. True.

In one respect that's actually progress, since three months ago these same officials were excited to be on board. At least now we've introduced shame and discomfort. It's a first step.

Pilates of the Men Seed: Semen Can't Make bad puns I give up.

"And what exactly are you going to do if we do pay you?"

It would be just as odd looking if it were something stolen from Cisco or Goldman Sachs. (Actually, Goldman would probably bring down the government of any nation harboring such criminals, so they might be a special case.)

But do not despair: just get several hundred million dollars and go get in on a big company. You can make the jump you know, they do not discriminate at all. Just show up with the cash and join the party.

It'll certainly cut into the Netflix demands.

Wait, is that Keith Richards *again*? What the hell, I thought he'd be dead by now.

The Senate has got to be pleased with being stuck as the bad guys. I expect repercussions at the next congressional softball game.