Cris E

In the airport lounge?

The Blue House had no food or medicine, just a giant chalk board and several colors to choose from where you could express your humanity.

That wasn't the name of an opening act? I just assumed I was out of touch.

But we're sooo close to making this more memorable: the beer/drug famine is quickly followed by an actual famine when the cheese sammies run out. A plague starts spreading among the weakened attendees and the government sees no alternative to a quarantine/blockade ("it's for the best".) The best part would be keeping

Or toss it/them overboard.

It checks out, I read it on an internet forum.

I'm pretty excited to see how the second weekend of this goes. It's my wife's birthday, you think any tickets will still be available?

Or thi niw riplacing E with I. (Ari you saying you havin't hiard of it yit? Hillbilliis…)

But apparently *outstanding* advance marketing.

I always go with "Chlorinate the gene pool", but yes.

I respect that. Stay strong.

I believe that was addressed in an episode of Archer a couple seasons back. They're taken care of.

I think anyone named Jeeves is safely on the far side of the "Fogey rejecting generational change" line rather than the "irrational fear of other" thing typically staked out by Spencer's ilk.

Don't take this from them, man.

The best part of Bond movies is the complete detachment from reality. A literal license to kill? Swapping out actors over the course of fifty years and pretending we shouldn't notice? Denise Richards as a scientist?

Wait a minute, so you're saying Cain and Abel had a child with their mom, everyone moved to Africa and then back to Turkey in time for Noah's clan to not drown? Man, science is hard.

You shave the sides of your scrotum?

Not a full villain, just one of those starter cutouts at the front of the film that establishes Bond's casual attitudes towards harming other humans.

Well done.

I think the American problem (in *this* respect) is a complete lack of self-awareness. We have little history and insist on making all of our own mistakes, so when you add in our charming arrogance that assumes the rest of the world wants to watch us do everything, well you all get to watch us repeat history (for good