Cris E

Woody Harrelson's landlady in Kingpin was such a casting.

If it were a joke idea or something smaller I might agree, but it's a full on copy of a large part of her act. This is no inspiration or derivation or anything like that.

The Marquess of Queensberry Equestrian Rules.

Tell the old man his concerns are valid and we're working on it, and then wait around until he's finally dead. He can go to his grave relieved and the rest of us can forget this whole mess.

Let's hold off of that one.

That checks out: no one knows what sorghum looks like.

I read my first Hunter S Thompson in Playboy. Is The Great Shark Hunt the one where he's reaching down into the airplane toilet looking for something and his arm turns blue? It's as good a place as any to start with HST, I suppose, but it was perplexing at the time.

Hey, it's been five days. How's it going?

The downside would be weighing 400 lbs in ninth grade. A fair trade, but not without consequence.

You forgot 4K and free popcorn.

And that list has no sports. They are like ants these days, tiny, swarming ants, all asking me for $7 each month.

I believe the Weapon definition hairsplitting went down the soldier vs non-soldier line.

The one time this administration has the guy with the experience and job open at the same timeā€¦

It would be kind of funny to not mention "you know who" once at all the entire evening. Just never even allude to him or his presidency for hours.

Trump, Don Trump. He's the president.

A realistic representation of years in space must end up rolling to a slow stop amidst the stultifying boredom, the petty crew squabbles, the masturbation and the eventual suicides.

Sports figure (Redford The Natural, Newman Slap Shot, John Goodman The Babe, etc)

Like the tshirt says:
Smarter than a monkey, cheaper than a robot.

You're 170 years old and you're still this pissed at him? That's a lot of hate.

Clayton Purdom is not a real person. If you'd stop and think for just a moment you'd notice that it's really an acronym for Unclad Prom Toy AND Mouldy Porn Act, which I think speaks for itself.