Cris E

The judges would also accept cheesy.

Yeah, about that… Don't look in the closet.

Yeah, I'm usually talking sink when I'm in a hurry or couch and TV when I have time.

Is that Bad Hombres with subtitles?

A thousand years ago the Cooper in Minneapolis was torn down for an Office Max or Olive Garden, but one of the last movies shown was Lawrence of Arabia. My God, it was majestic.

Paging Dr Freud. Dr Freud to the Emergency room.

Well, the article title anyway.

The large head and huge mouth would make anyone's shoulders look narrow. (ETA: Mostly a bad job of cropping.)

Judging takes up most of my day and makes me feel superior at the same time. Win!

It's not that hard now that Amazon delivers just about everywhere.

The sequel is going to be the assault on Channel 4 head offices and the subsequent hunt for the executives responsible for the decision.

Nuance is fine if you're courting sophisticates, but Beck's livelihood is among the Tea Party loons and they do not do nuance.

Is this what KellyAnne used to look like?

Apparently translating Big Mac to Gros Mac did not test well.

The sink is for the incontinental breakfast.

Is it OK if I use the name "Prestigious Law Firm" the next time I start a law firm?

"As with most of these cases, she either blew me or refused to blow me. Either way, I got a new admin so you can have your old one back."

Brad's Wife Matters!

…by different folks.

Um, I'll open with "No one has been prosecuted (yet)" and keep my "You can't surveil Americans dammit!" card as my fallback position for the weekend.