Cris E

This is really true. People are so lazy, so disinterested in real things and real people, that they'll accept almost any excuse in the place of actually contact with strangers or hard decisions.

And what about when the winner is illiterate?

Edge or rim?

I believe they will try to wring a mid-term out of Trump before they turn on him. But for 2020 I expect Republicans to give Pence the incumbent push and see how he fares.

That much golf can wear on an out-of-shape 70-something.

Russian state-run poll also shows that Trump carried Moscow by over 30 points. Not every city went for Clinton.

They should make it Ice Dancing With the Stars and start throwing these washed up celebs high in the air over cold hard sheets of unforgiving ice. Get someone like Stu Grimson who is huge, can skate and has some free time and see how it goes. You might have to keep it on cable what with the violence and all.

REALly stupid PEOPLE

I really wanted it to be something cool on the back like an ice cream truck or a stretch limo. Or nothing at all, just a guy on a bike bolted to the back like some hipster rickshaw monstrosity.

The chance of being on TV can be a powerful tool to get maroons to become full-fledged idiots.

When I started going bald on top and there was the threat of Skullet.

I kind of lost interest in anything remotely like hatchbacks once the apex was reached in that perfect vehicle, the Pontiac Aztek. (Blerg…)

A friend of mine had his restaurant appear on Diners, Drive-ins and Dives and he asked a few of us to sit and eat free stuff while they shot the "spontaneous" "reactions" from the "locals". It was a riot. One of the tables was four guys (invited by the producer) who were in town with a huge Broadway show that was

No kidding. And they're short so they love these tiny clown cars. I want my demographic represented a little better: 6'4" middle aged with no sense of style and limited interest in cars. "OK, it's tiny, but can I get it for under $17000? Nope, don't care about the phone thing, just price."

In The Land of Hardee's, franchise fees are low and food standards lower.

Yeah, I just get in there and start typing, no time to read. And frankly once I'm done posting I don't come back. At this point they could probably save some money and just go with headlines, a picture and comments.

Hey enough with the outsourcing. This new Trump casino is gonna have the classiest urinal held up by a barrio immigration wall in most of Tijuana.

He's only 1/16 of the way into his term. Top three in that short a time is, um, impressive?

Those dudes do roofing, and having done it one summer I can say they are welcome to all the roofing jobs they want in my country. The bad thing about ever having worked a job like that is you will pay anything to not ever do it yourself again. I may know how, but I also know not to.

Ladders are long, firm, erect and manly. Tunnels are dark and deep and scary, so pretty much feminine.