Cris E

Or at least decline to be used like this. Point is, there is a wide range of options that don't necessarily include becoming a political prop.

Well crows gather in "murders", if that's any help.

That *was* weird. We're so much more sophisticated now that we'll never again have to worry about evangelicals not caring about the morality of their candidates.

These days even Fox News is spending some time on this side of the Trump Is Crazy line. It's a very different world.

I was thinking the same thing. Can you imagine an American Archbishop extending such an invitation these days? Can you imagine a modern atheist being so gracious and respectful in response?

Because the automatic windows are mounted in manual doors. There is an override.

Nope. The best we can hope for is Jeff Goldblum *something* *something* with his Macbook.

Yeah, my science fiction included a lot of Woody Allen. I was kind of hoping for an Orb by now.

Less Testing! More Vioxx!
Less Testing! More Vioxx!
Less Testing! More Vioxx!

Not every country has the balls to throw up that kind of distraction.

Just crank up the bitcoin machines and make your own.

Well based on my viewings of Ghostbusters, you were probably already an expert. Too bad there's no way to go back in time to choose differently.

They released the albums, but the NSA and (*silently points to the sky*) have suppressed the truth.

… or WITH a neck tattoo for that matter.

That's actually how they're incorporated. Funny story…

Yes! Yes! This is exactly it! That's why we're so excited to have elected you to the head of the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization ( ).

The advent of the internet in the mid-nineties allowed the spread of usenet-grade stupid to the rest of the world with a rather dangerous patina of respectability. Suddenly you could find a community to support any daft set of beliefs, surround yourself with facts that comfort instead of confront, and do away with any

Not a big deal, just having some friends for dinner. What could go wrong?

Good for the voice over guy. After what the UFO dude did, this has got to make the dog a little happier. Unless he's not a top dog, I suppose.

it has like one too many sylbles