Cris E

OK, unless it's day 2 and you're making cold meatloaf sandwiches. Then ketchup is acceptable, especially at the halfway point of a late Sunday afternoon round of golf in mid-August.

When I'm eating my death row meal I want to have Chris Christie sit and watch me eat just so I can NOT SHARE WITH HIM. I'm going out hard.

We're talking Philadelphia, right?

I agree with this. If everyone else gets tossed for one reason or another he'll have to get the call because Don only knows so many people with govt experience.

No good, the mattresses smell like pee.

Rob Schneider might actually be more talented too?

The whole thing is predicated on what they know of her standing within the White House. If they really believe she's on greased skids back to suburban anonymity then they can take a heroic stand. But if Bannon wants her around long-term she'll be back on air as soon as the shows want to talk to a representative from

Not a bit. She wants the bright lights, the cameras and the screen time, so she can take the heat that comes with it. If she'd ever shown any compunction about the lies she told, at the behest of the administration or on her own, then I might have some empathy. But she has played this straight up in the face of a lot

Unless someone in my family needs one, then OK for a week.

Or taking 15 years to get an album out.

CGI Kenny Baker is already cast as Grand Moff Tarkin. CGI Peter Cushing was asking for too much but CGI Kenny works for scale.

You have to be drunk for the whole thing to work.

I believe the comp that works better is Vladimir Harkonnen. It's been done repeatedly, and it holds together pretty well.

The Trump Network hits the air within 24 hours or a reconciliation with Fox.

Who got the worse deal, the British being stuck with their Royals or the Americans with the Kardashians?

Yes! The world needs more Whitesnake covers.

"Restraining order be damned!"

It worked for Taylor Swift!

Or maybe they did and I never noticed? Who ever watched the Grammies?

Voices from the right are typically not preaching to the brain but to the heart and emotions, so analysis doesn't come as naturally as it does to the hows and whys of a reason-based message.