Cris E

Yeah, well he won because he died first, relieving the pain and ending the shame.

Same thing.

Actually that could have been a lot of fun. Happy Meal vs Value Menu: Are the drink and toy worth another cheeseburger?

Oh there's a demand for men with "a big chain"!

I like my food to be vaguely reminiscent of motor oil brands.

That's why he kept a stake in the first business, so he could take his kids to the office and tell people at church what he does for a living.

They tried hoop skirts and velocipedes first, but guys were just not as responsive.

I may be the asshole, but even before I knew this I had assumed it and immediately tossed him in the same bin as Bud Selig, a man who puts ketchup on a bratwurst.

I call it Desk Food and it's a staple in my diet. Seriously, soup is miles ahead of super-sodium ramen or whatever other shelf-stable things I could go with. It's got variety and can be vaguely healthy and it's cheap. I need soup.

All french fries are crap if you let them get cool. The thing that makes McD's fries work is how many small batches they crank out in a day.

It can be two things…

I always thought it was their way to survive MN winters without clothes. I learned something today.

Another hot thought: you are wrong.

Thank God the British press is still functioning.

That was totally the fault of the crooked media. He said "waiting" but they misreported it.

Neither does Ivanka.

And it shows a deeper understanding of issues and the complexity of the modern world to have the strength to change positions as needed. Like when autocratic presidents were a danger and a threat about six months ago, for example.

Yeah, but those people reach out for that because *they* stink. Gross.

Iss glorious Russian custom. You should try.

But they placed "Kellyanne is a mother of four and self-made daughter of single mom and Just Folks" in the Sunday paper last week. I had been convinced she was a robot from Westworld slowly coming to grips with what she'd done, but then I was spoon-fed facts about her solid American background and now I'm conflicted.