Cris E

Get Tim Caine to play Pence. Most people can't identify either of them, so it would be extra awesome if Don didn't notice it until it was pointed out at a staff meeting.

I choose to be a billionaire!

And what exactly is a Sweeth Ear T?

Four words all caps one cup two girls three turtledoves and beer in-n-n a treeeeeee…

And the cookies totally look like the bear, except naked. So maybe they were going for Bare instead…

Unemployment check -> The Situation -> Tanning salon

OK, I got this giant black stage thing left over from U2 and some smoke cannons already lined up. If I get you 12, no, 18 seats on the forty can you make it? Sweet, thanks Mr Welk.

Best case scenario. Well then it's settled.

It'll ruin everything if she wears that awful meat thing again. The Super Bowl is totally wings. I can't have that sort of clashing at my party.

When I chose to confront my fears in this manner it seemed prudent to select a fear that would be worth defeating. In my case I chose a fear of beer, particularly unopened and chilled beers. It's a battle I've been fighting for years and do not expect to win at any point.

And they know no one on the city council has an account, so why not.

How 'bout if it's green then can I post stuff like this in Supper Club?

Make the Empire Great Again! (MEGA, which everyone should have seen coming.)

Boot camp was easy in Stripes, unless you used the BIGTOE cheat. Then you got injured and ended up in Wisconsin.

Star Wars: Episode IIX.V: Not So Fast…

The Penultimate Jedi

The Sound of Jedi
West Side Jedi
Paint Your Jedi!

Truth. For example he frequently thinks people are being mean to him. It's a manly, big-handed foot stomp and pout.

Yeah, cucks for sure, they totally suck. At least zucchini can be made into a decent bread. (This stopped rhyming at some point. A moment please, I have to regroup.)

The reporter looks and sounds a lot like Rick Moranis.