Cris E

It's a real name: his cat was Christopher and he lived on Steele Street. What's the problem?

We have Come With in MN as well.

SO, these days I am mostly up in arms over the awful way some people begin sentences. There's a pretty broad selection of Valid First Words, and So is not one of them.

Ten bucks is ten bucks, eh?

It's Trump's version of the Death Panels: "You have cancer? Eat this!"

Taco Bell: I think I know how to get rid of that extra 'ckihen'.

I usually scream "Why not?!?" in my best Nancy Kerrigan dress.

But it crunches, right?

In cruel, taco-shaped cages. Didn't you watch The Boys From Brazil? (Or maybe it was Police Academy. I can never keep those Steve Guttenberg movies straight.)

Ah, but warm, mmm…..

Yeah, but two terrible things at one time.

Napkins too, and most restroom fixtures. Chicken is amazing.

Yeah, me too. It's almost like I become a completely different person when I'm drinking. EDIT: Not the blender thing, that's gross.

Lesson: Always wear a lab coat.

The baby is just doing baby things. Kill the parent and throw the kid into the lobby for the ushers to take care of. They screwed up by letting it in in the first place.

Can't do anything about controlling porn, but By God they can and will be kept away from Bad Moms (until it hits Amazon Prime.)

That's the beauty of the blowjob: the glowing is hidden. Now a theater handjob, that's not neighborly.

Pro tip: It takes a long time because they have to centrifuge the platelets out of the plasma before they put them back in. Also, you typically get paid to donate.

Well there was also the chance of Vice-President Mindy Finn, which would have been a cool name.

So "micro-brew" in Swedish is a pretty literal term. One man, small bottles, and clearly not suited to handle the massive wave of inquiries a Sean O'Neal piece will drive. Good Luck, micro PangPang!