Cris E

The Hutt parallels are too stark for comfort. Please stop.

Remember back when Biden was too unconventional to run for national office? Ah, youth…

>>" the logic of the Trump voter … was a vote against Hillary and the Democrats, which won't be affected by anything he actually does or doesn't do as President." <<<

"My Idiot Ex Governor" That really doesn't narrow it down much. Could you be more specific?

The food or the movie?

Exactly. They don't bother me, just one another, so I just tell my Unitarian buddy to Have At It and Stay Well.

I think the influence of the Church of Mormon on the band's work got short-changed in that documentary. Marty really fell down in that regard.

Gilda, after a long wait.

A down arrow doesn't show up as a negative number anymore so as to protect the gentle feelings of the poster. A downvote post drives a stake through that misguided softness, calling out the stupid and otherwise implying a lot of rough metaphor trade.

Kitchen gear is much smaller. Those large torches were for heating and scraping off paint. These days they use solvents instead, given the amount of unintended damage to woodwork and the number of fires that used to occur.

According to Christmas movie survivor John McClane, "It looks pretty bad at first, but then you remember it's just makeup."

3 - 4 = -1

You may want to add some clarifying commas and hyphens to that post.

No, that was his cover of Christmas Shoes.

This may say more about me than I should share, but the face on that bat had a definite Georgia O'Keeffe influence, if you get my drift.

Evan Almighty?

This is just the most recent take on The Last Story In Hollywood.

R R R, funny stuff.

A. No one was talking about real life stalking two hours ago.
B. Kind of, yes. If I were responding to an individual's story it would be in poor taste, but it was not. This is AV Club and par for the course, more or less.

The sex scenes are better this way.