Cris E

It would be kind of interesting to write his part as a rom com and everyone else just pissed at him for not getting it. Maybe set it at the point where everyone else wakes up, the ship has kept him alive for ninety years and his "Hey guys!" totally falls flat.

Wait, are you saying Twister had a plot? Why did no one tell me this?!?

Did it work? Please answer promptly, as I really need to know before Saturday night.

She kills by waking them and leaving them locked in the clear tubes where she can sit and watch them go mad.

Brought to you by Soylent Green!

I thought you said crossing the steams was bad.

Nope, she seems genuine to most others in the world. It's just you.

Exactly. It's not the the claim was "Chris Christie is adorable." This is an attractive woman who is self-deprecating, laughs a lot and seems to avoid pretension and ceremony. Amayon, you're looking for an argument, go away.

And of course if the Rep national committee had their internal communications spread all over the place there would be wide-spread calls for reasonable responses, what's the harm, it's things they said so who cares, etc. I'd be interested in why Trump was claiming things were rigged back in October. I'm guessing his

It hasn't been disproven, so I believe you.

Me too!

The hard cold thing that's coming at him right now is the blank wall of actual outcomes. In this job he can't settle and write a check or file bankruptcy and run away. Things get settled, and in public. Words are heard, written down and played back. People don't take things passively, are not cowed by his power

Their directors secretly hated them.

It *IS* two things!

The whole Trump thing is just a frustrated Putin counter-punch before the inevitable and humiliating Russian citizenship ceremony.

"… a bog part of my early internet experience."

Like more and more things, treating it like a drinking game makes it enjoyable until you pass out.

His or someone else's?


Men At Work "A Land Down Under"