Cris E

They already get disproportionate representation in the Senate.

The South still includes Texas, right? Because I'd trade Texas and Florida to anyone for a dollar, and I promise not to collect.

Hell froze two weeks ago.

So the deal is, um, the system doesn't usually include the likes of Steve Bannon. SO within a week of the election it's starting to look worse than any incarnation of the system since Nixon left office.

They had to, their teeth were all orange.

Dammit Dad!


Surly Brewing "Overrated"

Beware the line between "snob = what i like" and "asshole guest".

Eye-watering nose, powerful cloying resins, never finishes. 101 points!


He probably does generate $10k/month in the run-up to an election, but that only occurs every four years and by the time we do this again he'll have to figure out a revised system to spam. And if it makes you feel better he's got some serious costs to cover so he's not taking that much home. (On the other hand he's

SO how many takes do you think Reed did on MMM? I mean, at minute 47 did he stop and yell at the engineer "What were you doing there? Jesus Christ have you heard nothing this week? Back in your chair, we're doing another one!"

Umm, did anyone else notice that change in topic?

I mistyped my password three times and had to change it way before 90 days were up.

Sorry, you'll have to settle for the robot again.

Is that what the kids are calling it these days?

Wait, Sean O'Neill is the artist and Sean O'Neal didn't write this piece? WTF? SMH. ETC.

Neville Longbottom and the Judicial Process Form "Application for Name Change of a Minor"

Totally different: the kettle isn't judging like this pot is over here.