Cris E

Not all rapists are Mexican or Trump voters.

And it has to do with time, not so much with the content of the time.

I'm not a woman so I don't see that behavior regularly, which is why to me it's still somewhat shocking to see it out in broad daylight. That goes a long way to understanding the less than alarmed responses from a lot of groups like woman and minorities to Trump. For example, African Americans who came out in droves

Miller bought them years ago.

OK, after a bit of web searching I have to admit I'm now thinking of that Born In the USA album cover a little differently than I used to. A lot differently, in fact.

It's how the MSM (AVC) marginalizes the true voice of the people (metal fans) in pursuit of money (?) and power (???????).

Pretty hairy for a competitive swimmer. Think he'll get to keep the beard when it comes time to shave his legs and whatnot? (Especially the whatnot, come to think of it…)

At least get a red rag to hang from your back pocket. I think starting there looks doable.

Heh, he said "blowing".

We used to walk thru the drive-thru until the city council outlawed that. Then we HAD to start driving again. I bet they didn't expect that.

Coming soon: the Wall of Flavor!

It sounds worse until you really consider the type of romantic partner you'd bring to TB, and then you realize that might be OK. (Or you're both stoned, and then that might be OK too.)

Those new jobs we've been promised? Mostly just Alec Baldwin as a recurring character.

Now THAT I gotta see!

No, it's because now is when they feel it, so now is when they want to yell and break stuff. Pain is a stronger motivation than empathy. We're only talking about motivations for voting here, so insisting that everyone be mindful of the injustices minorities and women and Native Americans and everyone else has ever

Thank you! That's the nicest image I've had in my head all day. He probably thought this whole nightmare would end on Nov 9, but now Unhappy Christie will be my koan for the next few weeks.

I wrote this elsewhere, but TL;DR:

Eat Your Vegetables candidates always lose. To win you need to sell something positive, and she couldn't get free enough of her own baggage to get good things in front. Trump sold dessert first, dessert last, and screw the broccoli.

Yeah, but that's largely wrong regarding health care costs. Health care in general is going through the roof and has been for ages. My plan, major corporate from my employer in the health care industry, has seen costs rise faster than college costs with the deductions jumping from year to year. This is not going to

As penance they new have to spend four years trying to get Russia or Anonymous or Marla to produce his taxes.