Cris E

Actually crying might have been helpful for everyone.

It depends on how much of the campaign was bullsh*t to get votes from rubes and how much was actually intended to be policy. The wall and deportation of ten million workers were metaphors to represent the lost jobs, for example, but I'm not certain what to make of a lot of the other crazy stuff. If you look at how

There was an interesting interview pretty late last night with the head of Trump's California operations. He said they did a ton of phone work from CA into places like MI and WI and they were hitting up people who hadn't voted in three or four or more elections. I'm not sure how much was Master Plan and how much was

I am willing to give credit to the American people and allow that if the woman was not Hillary Clinton they'd have voted for her. She's not just another woman, as her long history of pissing people off is something almost unique in American history. Gender never got to be the cool thing in this election that race did

I have to agree with this. I listened to it live and was pleased that he found a professional speech writer to put something together that he pretty much read without bombast. It's the least awful he's sounded since this began. Credit where it's due, this could have been more campaign spew and it really wasn't.

There's a very real chance, one that I am clinging to as long as it lasts, that he was just saying whatever it was that anyone wanted to hear for the past year. What he said during the campaign makes much more sense if you just assume he has no idea what he said the day before. And if that's the case then it's very

Gary Johnson, is that you?

Your empathy is welcome, neighbor.

I'm not entirely sure I agree with your conclusion, but I liked your first paragraph. The racism is just a by-product of cravenly taking every single voter that came along instead of rejecting the creepy types that used to exist outside acceptable company. This is completely and utterly to be held against the

I think it's even worse than that. I think there are a bunch of informed people who are so frustrated that they think choosing the car crash is better than the cancer. Early numbers indicate a lot more cross-over among the college educated than was anticipated, and a frightening amount of that was breaking on

They can pick and choose depending on how it turns out. The good stuff they can claim and the things that go poorly can be his fault.


But the Apostles went to twelve.

"High" on the list. I get it, I see what you did there, nice one, etc.

Pizza Soup

We have a Little Caesar's infestation. Not sure how to get rid of it either. The Health Dept is powerless because it falls below the level of food and they lose jurisdiction.

That's what happens when you ask Putin for advice.

If you can't be part of the solvent, maybe try to the solution. I may have brain damage.

Have you not been to Traffic Court at The Hague? It is no laughing matter, sir/maam. That Dumbo better have once serious attorney.

I'm going to the store, need anything?