Cris E

Thank you for saving the world. Your movie deal should arrive by 2:00. Sign and return the stub for our records.

It is, I come here for all my triggers.

Is one of them Bono?

Staffers who want to get in good with the "normal" GOP world will dish bigly, and it will not be good for the Don. There will be threats of suits, but too much will be coming out to fight. That's going to be the most painful part for him. (Well that plus the whole thing Garrison Keillor wrote about a couple months

Trump concession speech, Tuesday, 6:00pm EST:

Right, there's a lot of "burn it down, burn it all down" behind these votes. They want him to stand against, not for anything.

Now that his moment has passed I hope he can recreate the blindingly fast disappearance from public view like the first time.

Me too, even though I aged out I am just as entitled to be in that demographic as ever. Maybe more entitled, since I dominated it so hard the first time!

…have a lemon party.

Peres is still alive!

Dog's name? Cheney.

… who works for the FBI.

Not Delaware. It isn't really a place, it just exists for corporate filings.

OK, maybe not.

You know, I think there's a lot to this remark. They are going to be spending a lot of time in the coming months without Roger Ailes trying to find themselves, and they'll be doing it in an environment where they aren't the crazy right-wing uncle anymore. Trump TV is going to be insane.

That's the sort of thing you just film once a year and reuse.

I was hoping you were going to say chair.

When I go to funerals and say "I'm sorry" it's usually because I'm the one that did the killin'. But I try not to point it out because it makes folks uncomfortable.

If she can just keep the Cialis out of the house that should cease being a problem. The man is pretty old.

This is actually true. Remember when office seekers and office holders were only mostly or partially in line with their gangs? These days you have to change to get into the party rather than simply being allowed to support except on individual issues. The whole litmus test basis for national politics has deeply