Cris E

God bless Google.

To this day Saruman says his greatest achievement is a "fair" version of YYZ.

Ha! Surely you jest. In fact the only answer to any "is there a _____ set?" is Yes. There is or soon will be a Lego set for everything. There are already two if you include the illegal Chinese knock-offs.

If you were that geeky your friends already expected it.

Justin Timberlake, the guy from The Social Network? I liked him, when is he going to be in something else?

Lord of the Rims

I just thumbed through that link and now I need to stab someone. It's like they think no one else has ever been young and idealistic and had to choose how to spend their parents' money instead of getting a job. Shut the hell up.

4. Had a bet with Austin Kutcher.

Zoolander not being on Netflix is like… like… I don't know, like Good Will Hunting going away. It's always there, an institution. It'll be very strange. I guess I'll believe it when I don't see it.

All that setup and you were serious? You're supposed to go down - down - down and then WHAM spend the $15 on genuine Flint water samples or something. What a drag. Well, at least I have Footloose (the *real* version, amirite?) to look forward to.

Dr Peppers.

Jared Leto is the new Hamilton!

His musical chops can be established most clearly by simply noting that he is working for Fox News. That's like being the football guy for Mother Jones.

I'd use it too, but I'd probably need to learn an instrument or something first.

Deep. Thanks man.

Well, Google…

Now you have to buy two to get that full, bloated feeling.

But unless you kill your own it's nearly impossible to get pigeon with that sweet antifreeze and rice undertone.

Pro tip: when you're done you should flush them, not save-n-eat.

Oh, sorry about that. I should have been clearer: I rarely RTFA before posting and I never click through. Too much knowledge hurts my thiking.