Cris E

Mom said you gotta do that in the garage.


See also: "damning with faint praise"

Rob Schneider can play the goldfish.

If they let you keep the dump truck it's a lot easier. Just goes to show you how important it is to watch the details when selling your Olympic dreams.

Well that and no one on earth knows anything about any Olympic sports. Did you know the gymnastics score doesn't go to 10 anymore? What's the difference between judo and tai kwan do? Did you know what rock thing in curling was called until they mentioned it two years ago and I already forgot again? How'd they get

Maybe the World needs some large, unathletic person to sit in front of a 46" TV in an anonymous living room in a nest of flags and holler for everyone else to win. Or maybe the world already has a bunch of these and the TV Club just needs better headlines.

Nope, I'm here to complain about your spelling of the word Cue.

Like handball didn't get you half way home already?

He is in a coma. This is actually a replicant copy of the guy who did baseball 25 years ago. They're still working out the glitches, which is why he only appears in those fake studio shots that are being broadcast from the labs in New Mexico.

So it does work. I wonder what NBC is doing wrong.

Or the puppy bowl team in the lingerie vs the Bud horses.

Whereas gratuitous swearing is ALWAYS hysterical.

Well sure, I guess, if you read it I mean. I just glanced at the photoshopped bunny twinkies and started commenting.

Me too, were there somehow some threat of it actually occurring. But this is even an affront to the entire octo-on-eighteen genre.

I have a theory that Ben Grimm might be the problem. The ENTIRE problem.

It makes more sense if you've never watched the show. Always the sign of a good theory…

Yeah, yeah, math, I get it. Mostly I only wanted to put only in the wrong place.

"Bring out your dead!"

Yes, because even though Turkey in the Straw is both older and currently more popular there's a chance that this piece can somehow link liberal guilt to something as simple and pure as good old fashioned entrenched racism. Typical NPR.