Cris E

Or put it all into action today. All you need are a few costumes, some bail money and a decent medical plan.

It took ten days. Only.

Furthermore the evidence only supports this as far as a primary. It's yet to be proven how well the reality TV model works in a general election, against a traditionally funded opponent.

"You cut off my right ear… Maim!"

You clearly haven't read my screenplay for "The Necessary, The Thomas Crapper Story."

The musical is from Nintendo, the Opera from X-Box.

by Chuck Tingle

That's right, I'm rubbing my ass on you. kneel and take it. What? Are you cracking? Weak, weak…

China is in for a rough time if Trump can get his 60% tariffs in place. That economy is in trouble and when the US crashes again they'll be holding trillions in bad debt. It's gonna be bad for them.

So you want to just yell once and then not listen to responses and then say I Don't Care to anyone who tried to respond to you? Your point is vague and widely misunderstood, furthering the parallels to the Sanders supporters.

Maybe the party could give those supports a voice in platform committee, or include some of their issues, or possibly let one or more of them speak in prime time at the convention?

George Bush was right then. He said he didn't want to be the last Republican president and we're here on the edge.

She was thinking "Damn, Wall Street sure is paying me a lot to invent war in 1986."

You can totally pass on the Green party nomination, assuming of course you get at least 15 people at the convention to agree. You know, a majority.

Booo-urns! Booo-urns!

Her chocolate chip cookie recipe and that promise to appoint her nephews to the Supreme Court. And she might be good in bed. (No first or second hand experience, but I always like to give the benefit of the doubt.)

Bet he wishes he was still on cable.

Thanks for the tech advice, Guy With Byte In His (Just Sort Of Rolling With The Stereotype) Username.

Marshmallows? What if it rains?

You have to admit there were a lot of Republicans who missed that chair this year.