Cris E

Michelle should have cribbed something from Marla Maples in her speech.

I'm not sure I can get to every state in one day.

Corporate shill!

The house is on fire, I didn't set it, and stay away from my hose.

Eventually she did.

Why does everyone assume blue collar people are dumb?

Fruitless? FRUITLESS?!? How dare you!

I added autocorrupt to my phone's dictionary.

Right. Good read. Because there are more hard-core Sanders people willing to vote for Trump than centrist voters who didn't bother going to primaries and might still be courted in a general election against an incredibly offensive demagogue. You sold me.

I realize the definition has slid rightward in the past 20 years, but do you even know what Republican means?

(Psst, I think that one was drinking.)

Amen. The death of any sense of responsibility to govern in legislators is clearly the more despicable, destructive and long-term dangerous of recent trends.

If the choice was between two corporate cutouts, benign, vaguely qualified, fairly homogenous, say Clinton and Bush or Kasich, then I could see agreeing with you. Who cares who wins or loses if they're all the same?

My sister voted for Gov Jesse Ventura and called me the morning after and literally said "I didn't think he'd actually WIN."

Or he's like 70 and this is what he sounds like these days. My goal at that age is to be looking down into the hole rather than trying to climb out…

Changing the system is not a zero-sum game, and Bernie knows it even if his supports don't.

Eh, yes and no. The rhetoric is a sign that the party understands where people are vs the hopes of the monied leadership and will try to throw them a bone when possible.

Except that they are being heard, the platform was altered, they are getting plum speaking slots at the convention and Bernie is being granted way more respect than you'd expect for someone who lived decidedly outside the party for years.

Or at least go back to clearly marked Smoke-Filled Rooms so you know there is a process at work. "Yes, we went in there and decided Hillary was the one we're choosing. Bernie gets HUD."

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