Crippling Disgust

The bigger mystery to me is, who watches these videos? Who follows these people and wants to listen to basic people spewing basic shit for 45 minutes, which could be condensed into 2 minutes but they stretch it out foreeeeever to get more $$$$?

My assumption was that he has a stake in whatever company that makes it, is mad that it’s not a viable treatment, and is now saying he’s taking it so the rubes buy it.

If you have never watched The Matrix you do not have a full understanding of “the term”, “there is no spoon”, “deja vu”, “not like this” or “Coppertop.”

Republicans: Every life is precious, abortion is MURDER

This is cracking me up. I was just thinking the Trumpster Freedom Fighters would start getting the calling to get their asses to Las Vegas. Sure, this woman doesn’t have the Randall Flagg brains; she’s more,M-O-O-N. That’s spells Moon.”

Come through, Linda.  Come through.

I’ve only watched a couple of the Terminator films and I can’t even remember which ones or what happened. But I think I want to watch this one? I’m all for girls kicking ass, even if I don’t understand why they’re kicking ass. I hope the movie can explain the backstory enough without getting exposition-heavy.

I almost burst into tears the first time I watched the trailer for this and she appeared. I cannot wait.

This is an aside, but did you ever go to Gray Brothers Cafeteria in Mooresville?

Precisely! They had them near me, two in Dallas on the East Side and one in Mesquite, when I moved here. The Mesquite one became our favorite spot. After the company went under, the place was a vacant husk for a long time. Now, it’s some rib place. I don’t even like to look at it when I drive by.

No, the very definition of a halter top is that the top is held in place be a strap behind the neck which leaves at least parts of the back bare. One strap, as opposed to two over the shoulders on tank tops, or none on strapless dresses, tube tops etc. Although when I googled for an example, it seems people think

Have you ever tried Robin McKinley? Sunshine is wonderful and I think has a Neil Gaiman-esque vibe. 

The best part was really knowing I could do whatever the fuck I wanted. My biggest regret is I didn’t have enough imagination to make fuller use of that freedom.

I’m feminist as fuck and am an amazing cook and have a plethora of aprons. I also scrub a mean toilet. That doesn’t make me a sad little regressive wifey, it makes grownup who knows how to do basic tasks required for human survival. I also can do basic plumbing, I took my oven clear apart the fix the damn thing, and I

It is a real moral quandary.

I’m having a hard time coming up with a show that was as popular as satc that aged worse. It's pretty much unwatchable nowadays

My reason for loving Qdoba is that I really want to just get the chips and queso for lunch, but I feel like then I will be judged by my co-workers. Not only do they have better queso, but I also can get a mini bowl instead of a huge bowl there, so it doesn’t look like I am just having chips and queso for lunch.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Still my favorite American novel. Parts funny, pathos, the mysteries of adults, romantics... yes, I know it has language that may make people nervous. If so, don’t read it.  The Norton Critical editions have copious footnotes and references. If you get into it, it’s worth reading

When I was a kid back in the 1980s my Grandmother did this for me and my sister.  They lived 3 hours away, so in between trips she would tape herself reading books (and ringing a triangle when she turned the page).  Then she would mail the tapes to us along with the books.  At the beginning of each book, she would

I live in LA and everywhere I go serves 80% IPA’s.  And I HATE IPA’s.  Fuck that bitter disgusting shit!