
I wish.

Not sure where you got that. I was a powertrain development engineer at Ford back in the day. Maybe things have changed, but that was never a problem.

Ooooooooooo. Nice find.


Jebus! Did you grow up in the 60s-70s like i did?

Can you point me at a source? I’m interested in learning about her.


Are you really that stupid and uninformed?

Oh, yeah, FrontPage Mag is definitely an authoritative source.

I just snorted beer out of my nose.

The morphine has nothing to do with it?

Maybe I’m showing my age, but somewhere in that book is a cake I loved as a kid.

It’s the “The Elements” by Tom Lehrer, better known as “The Periodic Table Song”.

Since your comment has a metric shit-ton of structural errors, maybe you aren’t the person who should be commenting on this.

I’m a (sober) alcoholic, and I could pick him out in a crowd as a fellow user. It’s just so fucking obvious.

I am an editor, and I approve this message.

Privilege much?

La Croix. All of them, but especially pampelmousse.

Also willing to work out a deal with you. Hereditary hemochromatosis here.

Hey! I have hereditary hemochromatosis. Can we work out a deal?