
Well, duh. /s

I would really prefer not to fuck Paul Ryan.

Yup, they weren’t on a three hour tour.

Do you not understand the concept of satire?


Does “I’m a better mom because I use cloth diapers” explain it?

I am 60, have no tattoos, and now want that.

You didn’t misread that.

Same here. Canvas tool bag. I consistently needs a 10mm ratchet wrench. But it’s not going to fit in my pocket unless I’m walking around the emissions lab.


Fage is definitely #1, but I would advise the Chobani-haters to try the black cherry fruit on the bottom. NOT the 100 calorie or blended shit. Real black cherries.

Have to agree with you here. I live in Wayne County, in a suburb that borders on Detroit. She does some good things - I’ve voted for her, and I agree with her prosecution of that grifter Kwame Kilpatrick and his famiy/associates.

Thank you, fellow ADHD person.

“Yolk”, not “yoke”.

The most beautiful piece of chocolate cake that you’ve ever seen.

Et tu?

That’s suet. Good stuff for high-energy birds.

I’d buy it.

I see what you did there.