
Does this remind anyone else of Kim Jong Un?

I am guilty of blasting Lemonade but I sure don’t count as cool.

I am SO sorry for you.

Does it matter if I make cake out of a box, or do I have to do it by scratch?

Where the hell do you shop?

That was coke-infused. Mariani was the guy who came up with it.

Also, people don’t know Daesh==ISIS

Jebus. How did I not see that. “mine”

Not to trigger you or anything, but the two most difficult parts of a flight are takeoff and landing. There’s so much stuff going on at the same time and the plane is close to the ground (or other objects).

I never had a Twitter account until a couple of months ago. It just seems necessary at this point.

So, your whole argument is basically, “wake up, sheeple!”?

Where is anyone who will shout out “You lie!” like Joe Wilson did with Barack Obama?

WaPo’s been doing captions. Don’t know about anyone else.

I tried. I tried to listen. But when he did that gesture with his hands (forefinger to thumb), and said “MAGA”. I stopped.

“..So in your opinion, I’d have to actually know someone trangendered to have a valid opinion on the subject, or to be perfectly aware of the emotional stresses adolescents are under and to be perfectly aware of the unreliability of an immature peer driven opinion?”

Complete and utter nonsense. I knew I was gay when I was 10.

As I realized I was gay when I was 10.

Yeah, the next person I meet named Milo? I might have to punch them in the face.

This. You beat me to it.

If you have to explain a joke, that means it isn’t a joke...