
Nope, I have no kids, but stretch marks where those darn curves developed. Science, bitches!


Just pour your lady juice in his dickhole and tell him you made 300 sandwiches already. Takes about 20 minutes, right?

I love the atmosphere of this game. If there were a word for "haunt" without negative connotations, I'd use that word to describe how the game has stuck in my mind over the years. The only thing recently that has felt close to it is the game Gone Home, but Myst's twists and turns were MUCH better.

I know voting is closed, but I would still like to vote Paul Foot as #1.

Come after you, meow?

Oh, I thought burner accounts couldn't embed. Can you see that?

I wear mascara for me and foundation for society.

Joke's on them. Piper is the worst character, haha! Someone mentioned that some people probably secretly relate to Piper. I hope I never meet them in a dark alley and get bored to death.


of the galaxy. whatever. WOMEN.

"Toughest girls in the galaxy."

Thanks for your thoughts! Re: race as "science" commenters, I was shocked that the one commenter used that 19th century facial feature description to try to explain race/ethnicity/whatever s/he thought s/he was describing. I should really try to stop being shocked, but dang.

Do you have a particular recipe you like? I want to try all of the cobblers.

I found out about this and Horse_ebooks on the same day. I feel like that means something...

I read all of your comments in this discussion and wanted to get your opinion on something. Growing up I wanted to have the discussion on race just be tabled because people are people, right? As I grew up, I realized that that isn't really realistic since the power structures and racism still exists (and blatantly in

I came here to say the same thing. Avril is hardly the only (or biggest, even) offender!

Sorry, Emilio Palma in 1978. At least 10 children have been born in Antarctica.

Yes! In like 1976? I'll go look for it.