Very apt analysis! I know I have certainly struggled with this from both ends of the spectrum: new GF and ex-GF.
Very apt analysis! I know I have certainly struggled with this from both ends of the spectrum: new GF and ex-GF.
Aw. Was Christina Hendricks not there last night? I don't remember seeing her, but I scrolled through the whole thing looking for her anyway. Poo.
Makes you wonder whether that was part of the reason they crashed...I can't imagine a whole wedding party standing in a single hot air balloon basket.
Egads! What sort of event was this??
Totally! I hate that. Like...a $9 for a glass of Beringer White Zinfandel?
I'm a beer girl! 9 times out of 10, I'll order a craft beer when out over wine, because 1) I like beer more 2) I know wayyyyyyyy more about beer than wine.
That was the main thing I noticed too. She looked like she was about to cry. :(
Wait...there's an annual color?? Where have I been?
Yeah, I think I understand better now what you are saying. It really is hard to compartmentalize if you truly really emotionally like the person a lot. And its noble to imagine that you can put your own feelings aside in order to keep the friendship alive, but when you're in that situation you typically don't even act…
You make a really interesting argument in comparing men wanting sex to slut-shaming. I really had never thought about it that way before. Like I just replied to PinkPostItNote himself, I have had a few bad personal experiences that may have colored the way I read his post. I agree its not OK for the girl in question…
Yeah, I hear you. I think this article got me fired up for super personal reasons. I do understand wanting to distance yourself from someone who you have feelings for who cannot reciprocate them—we've all been in that situation, and I've certainly done the same thing. I'm sorry that I misinterpreted your post. Thanks…
Thank you!! :) You can't see it really because its so little, but my icon is GOB and his wife riding in a shopping cart.
OK. Here's your problem. This girl that you like doesn't exist only to please you. She doesn't exist in a vacuum of you liking her. She hangs out with you because she likes you in a friendly way, and you project something more onto that situation. When you bravely confess your feelings, and she responds that she…
YES. I totally relate.
Nice Guys, as opposed to just regular nice guys, don't feel entitled to anything or ANYONE just because they're nice. They respect that women have their own thoughts and feelings, and well, if you have a crush on someone who doesn't feel that way back, that's just the way it goes sometimes. You can feel disappointed…
You don't owe anyone an explanation for why you're being nice, if you're being nice just because that's who you are! Just be yourself, treat women like you would any other human being because you're a decent person, and everything will be OK. I promise.
Sorry you're too nice for all the bitchy ladies around here. :( :( :(
This is my ex-boyfriend to a T. Spent his high school days writing songs about me, and how I just didn't notice him. Refused to let me break up with him in the guise of caring about me (You really love me sweetie, you're just confused. No one will ever love you as much as I do. We're meant to be!) My actual feelings…
High five.