@madikita: You are SO welcome. :)
@madikita: You are SO welcome. :)
@Bullette: Of course, no one could ever compare to Gunther's sexyface.
This reminds me very much of Gunther, but with less self-awareness.
@mizzmarvel: Totally my kryptonite too! That was the only story that made me cry. I guess its because I have a similarly awesome Dad, and I'm so grateful for him.
@gingersnap555: Seriously. I don't know what emotion Kim's cadaver's glamor shot is supposed to inspire in us, but it just makes me angry.
@flickofthewrist: AND she got a crocodile in spelling!
Oh, this strikes a chord with me. Hard.
@Cinnamoncanuck: Aww, that made me happy. :)
@atinymachine: Wish I could promote this for you! :)
@lodown (is waiting for MizJenkins): I actually can't believe how many people are arguing otherwise! JEEZ.
@rah29: Right on!
The point of this article seems to be lost on a lot of people. I doubt that Anna wrote it so that she could be further chastised, while she's already feeling bad.
#11, you ARE Mike Ditka. I might have to steal this for next year.
I definitely had this obsession about my sexuality in college. I was never all that interested in sex in high school, and even though I dated someone seriously throughout college I was totally uninterested in him sexually.
@the_poptart: Oh my god. Stealing this for next year, for SURE.
I think that would be awesome. I've also considered being Saddam working at the bowling alley in that scene, but that seems like wayyyyy too many degrees of obscure.
@Philippa Marlowe: I will make sure to post pictures on Nov. 1st. :)
I'm being the Dude from the Big Lebowski this year. The costume will consist of flannel boxers, a white tee, huge tan bathrobe, sandals, goatee & mustache. I am psyched.
@MemilyBimble: Oh my god—he is the spitting image of Darryl Hammond as Sean Connery...and you are fabulous in that sweater!! I <3 Linda.
Finally I'll know what happened to Winston Egbert! I bet he's a bigshot in the Silicon Valley now.