
@madikita: You are SO welcome. :)

@Bullette: Of course, no one could ever compare to Gunther's sexyface.

Now playing

This reminds me very much of Gunther, but with less self-awareness.

@mizzmarvel: Totally my kryptonite too! That was the only story that made me cry. I guess its because I have a similarly awesome Dad, and I'm so grateful for him.

@gingersnap555: Seriously. I don't know what emotion Kim's cadaver's glamor shot is supposed to inspire in us, but it just makes me angry.

Oh, this strikes a chord with me. Hard.

The point of this article seems to be lost on a lot of people. I doubt that Anna wrote it so that she could be further chastised, while she's already feeling bad.

#11, you ARE Mike Ditka. I might have to steal this for next year.

I definitely had this obsession about my sexuality in college. I was never all that interested in sex in high school, and even though I dated someone seriously throughout college I was totally uninterested in him sexually.

@the_poptart: Oh my god. Stealing this for next year, for SURE.

I think that would be awesome. I've also considered being Saddam working at the bowling alley in that scene, but that seems like wayyyyy too many degrees of obscure.

I'm being the Dude from the Big Lebowski this year. The costume will consist of flannel boxers, a white tee, huge tan bathrobe, sandals, goatee & mustache. I am psyched.

@MemilyBimble: Oh my god—he is the spitting image of Darryl Hammond as Sean Connery...and you are fabulous in that sweater!! I <3 Linda.

Finally I'll know what happened to Winston Egbert! I bet he's a bigshot in the Silicon Valley now.