Crimson Sin

I think we can all agree on one thing, Fahey:

The “people are still playing Destiny?” guy lol.

There will be far too much exposition in this movie. Dududuh. You can count the exposition lines in this trailer, I bet there’ll be even more in the theatrical cut.
Flashbacks and exposition, and classic Zimmer (that I quite like).

WonderWoman looks kinda scrawny..

His success really boils down to his appealing to the lowest common denominator. And 12 year old boys. They’re rampant on Youtube.

“[Money], I just feel like it’s not important.”

Nah. I’ll pass. I’ve never seen one of his videos as I’m not in to the whole “let’s play” scene of watching others play games vs. actually playing them myself. Good for him though. I’m glad that he has been able to make a good living doing something he enjoys.

A year? We STILL aren’t getting that extra content!

Babies or powers, huh?

We can already summon hurricanes and cause earthquakes, if the magic motion picture box is to be believed.

The hell with the character inaccuracy, the greenscreening burns my eyes! They put absolutely no work in shadow correction during post-production and it shows. And are there only like, two Directors of Photography in Japan? Almost all the high concept movies I’ve seen from there have that horrible “overhead” lighting

what’s up with the stinger missile launcher?

Oh fuck the original source material. People need to take that giant stick up their asses and judge the movie on its own merits... ok, the movie still looks kind of bad but on its own merits!

I’ve replayed countless hours because an hour or so into the game I realized my character had a huge beak nose or something else that the angles in CC didn’t show. My character in New Vegas was my magnum opus and I often just turned the camera and looked at him. #shame

What’s funny is that Sony even included discussion on their new TV service and covered very little that will be exclusive and out by end of 2015.

When Microsoft did something similar, they were lambasted for it. Sony? OMFG, t3h CONfERENCE of E31111!!!!!111!1!


Setting the bar rather low, are we?

Hell, as long as Nintendo announces a new exclusive title that comes out in 2015, they’ll have exceeded the Sony conference...

It was so good that they showed it to us twice.

...made it on to steam where people would look at the 2-10 dollar games and say, “nah maybe when its on sale”
then when it’s on sale many will buy it and never install it. lol.