While I dislike undertale very much at least it’s a game this is just about a guy who does voice overs. The only real reason it’s here is because it’s anti Republican.
While I dislike undertale very much at least it’s a game this is just about a guy who does voice overs. The only real reason it’s here is because it’s anti Republican.
This is news?
I read the title as “Starving Kickstarter” (^o^) lol that actual sounds like a interesting idea, I think I’ll make a Kickstarter for it.
All 10 people must be really upset
Needing permission to dislike something, welcome to 2016. it’s going to suck but only after your opinion is approved
It’s the music way of saying job well done. It’s just so satisfying ^_^
And who can forget the ending theme from Streets Of Rage 2
No Gears Of War Cole Train rap ending?
Looks like Konami beat the shit out of Kojima before he left. But seriously I hope he's well because he doesn't look to great in that photo.
If this poll was done 6 months ago Five Nights At Freddy’s would be “the best game ever” this is gaming now, whatever indie game all the YouTuber are playing is the best game ever because their subscribers are an army of millions of preteens who never shut up about their latest obsession and at this moment it's a…
A black guy voiced an Asian character in Samurai Jack and it was awsome
Crowd funding... Again.... >.>
Is this part of the PS Now service or something free?
Like most philosophy lol but I meant the very last part with Van and Hitomi
Yes the music is some of the best of all time. Simply beautiful.
By no means is Escaflowne the only one it’s just my personal favorite.
By no means is Escaflowne the only one it's just my personal favorite.
I felt it wrapped up pretty well with a good ending.
Medieval mecha you say? You can't go wrong with Escaflowne
Was Xxx360quickscoperMLGXxx already taken?