Those alien jerks even took the sheets!
Those alien jerks even took the sheets!
I have no idea who any of those actresses are.
When i smell my own fart.
Wow, so much bitching about a free game. Killer Instinct is still a great value, and cheaper than most fighters with all the seasons.
I'd say it's not about publishers being sexist, just trying to make the safest choices possible. They have their ideas of the standard video game and the more it deviates from that the less they want to do with it. Because any change from that to them is one more thing that won't make it sell, and becomes riskier and…
Right, and that's my point. They didn't say most of the publishers they went to said they wanted to change it. They said other publishers wanted to change it. That may have been most, but it may have only been a few. Some may have wanted to produce it for less money, or wanted to change other aspects of the game, or…
To be blunt. No we don't NEED anything. I think more stories should have female heroines/MCs but no studio or such should change a story just to please the opposite gender.
In your second paragraph you say that most of the publishers wanted to change the characters, but the developer simply said other publishers. Going from others to most is a pretty large leap. For example; "there are other Muslims who are violent" as opposed to "most Muslims are violent".
DONTNOD said that they were told the same thing about Remember Me. Unfortunately, they should have been telling them that fixing the combat system was more important than what gender the characters were. Remember Me was a great game with tragically flawed gameplay, that deserved to be much better than it actually was.…
Convince your friends to play, whether they're from real life or the internet. The game isn't really worth sticking with unless you have buddies to play with you every week.
Confirmation bias look it up
What was the build up exactly? That they so worked on during the incredilby scarce screen time asami has had this past 2 seasons?
Viewers were suspecting something? Lol what?
Yeah of course there were the weird fanservice fanatics asking for a Korra Asami relationship. Hell, it probably took Naruto like 10 chapter until…
Ending Was What You Thought, Deal With It
I think they handled it poorly, they half assed a gay relationship and it felt forced at the end. They could of done better. They only planned it fully a year ago, which was when they knew they were fucked so lets end with a bang. That's basically what it sounded like. Korra went from Straight as an arrow to bending…
Sony: we have a new 3rd party exclusive.
Less games should be doing this... I have both consoles but console gamers with the Xbox One only are losing out. This isn't like Tomb Raider 2 where it's timed exclusivity. This is just throwing money to a third party to fuck over the competition. The only winner in this is Sony, not the consumer.
This is hilarious. The gaming community is pathetic. MS does it with Tomb Raider. Mass out rage. Sony does it with an even worse game to do it with. Praise. God, i am fucking sick of this shit.
If you ask me, the only person who makes funny videos about horror games is Markiplier. He genuinely seemed panicked and terrified when he does his shit, but he never screams. He will holler on occasion, but he never screams.