And if it was actually about ethics in video game journalism, it would have started a long time before Zoe Quinn made an indie game for a novel concept.
And if it was actually about ethics in video game journalism, it would have started a long time before Zoe Quinn made an indie game for a novel concept.
I have had stalkers and restraining orders issued in the past, I have had people show up on my doorstep when my personal information was HARD to get. To have my location revealed to the world would give a entry point for a few mentally ill people who have fixated on me, and allow them to show up and make good on the…
I guess they forgot to Putin a good word for him.
I'm not salty about it, Just saying Maleshep can do anything Femshep can do - with one less X chromosome.
"He", I think you mean.
Why are you continuing to pretend that this is a legitimate movement? The sooner you start ignoring them, the sooner they'll all go away.
OMG, finally.
Great this crap is finally over. I bet the author himself doesn't even want to write it anymore.
I agree, it's pretty pathetic. I will never be so hard for gear as to just stand in one area for hours
I don't get the "I scream a lot while stream" guy's popularity. I mean it was funny the first couple times... But seriously?
no, she is a lesbian, and suddenly this game is GOTY
actually, you're having a hallucination about this article while in the middle of a fire!
Or, instead of PS4 and Xbox One, it could just say "consoles." It makes no sense as to why he neglects to mention both in the headline. It's kinda scummy.
I just corrected your title. You are welcome.
What does Xbox have to do with GC? Confused here.