Crimson Sin

Starring? Really? What amounted to less then 3 seconds of Wonder Woman some how equals starring?

So it’s to be expected that it will have year long exclusive DLC for Playstation?

Shitting on US soliders, what a cool guy.

.... That's a stretch... It's just moving your arms around, not like that is some kind of special dance move.

It’s great but if you play online you will get destroyed. Anyone who is still playing online is top tier S rank and will make you look foolish. I’m speaking from experience T-T

My reaction to any news about the future of Destiny

Just like with the original game there will be exclusive content only on PS for a year. It’s strike mission, guns, armor, and multiplayer maps.

But there is another round of year long DLC lock out with the Taken King as well

Don’t forget us Xbox players being fucked out of DLC for a year but still payed the same price as PS users

So you get special powers for being gay? Seems legit.

My face while reading this

I don’t know, actually playing the game ^_^ Don’t get me wrong I know some people just can’t enough of it but I rather just play.

I never cared to much about character creation, I usually take the base model. While my brother is the exact opposite, he will take no less than 3-5 hours just tweaking the look of his character lol

Exactly, I have no idea why everyone went crazy over Sony yesterday. Outside of a couple of games everthing eles was either on PC or multi platform.

BadassNoor wins the internet (^o^)

Bubbles was the name of Michael Jackson's pet monkey

“Plus, a female Link would give people plenty of reason to pick the new game up”

Exactly, got to rank 5 and if i Ihad to guess o would say 80% of my deaths where by Thorn