Crimson Sin

Statistic manipulation is so very common is my point.

Not really, I have had firearms in my life since I was a little kid but my father wasn't an idiot and taught me firearm safety. Also have carried a firearm for work and personally for many years as well. Your home is filled to the brim with "dangerous" thing the bathroom alone has claimed more lives than firearms have

Anyone who is properly trained does. It's unfortunate that some don't.

Why so focused on that one situation? Attacked on stage isn't as likely as say her attacker jumping her on the way to her car or leaving her hotel room. How many people have been attack/killed on stage? Not counting political figures? Like I said many times already in that one situation it's not favorable for her

Cant say that I have but you gave one of an infinite number of scenarios. An attack while she is on stage is a pretty terrible situation for her. Little to no cover and not an ideal place to return fire. To many "what ifs" again I say escape it the best option in that one scenario. But didn't the guy threaten her

And I can give a thousand examples showing the exact opposite where the concealed carry did defend themselves successfully. It a case to case basis. Why would you shoot in the crowd? The hypothetical would be the the attacker would start shooting from the crowd? Well depending on your surroundings it might be your

Every persons most basic of right is the right to protect ones life. If you go through proper training having a concealed weapon is not an issue regardless if crowd size. Why would it be?

I don't care who this person is but no one is going to make me so scared I don't go somewhere I want to. By staying home you are letting the person threatening you win. If she is in fear for her life, get training and a concealed carry permit. Don't be a victim.

May it all comes down to the most epic game of "Heads Up, Seven Up"

Not a bad list, but the worst one is Pengu. My God its fucking horrible it's literally just random sounds and claymation penguins running around. It should be labled as a war crime.

never mind

Yes, when he kicked it I gasped.. It's crazy I know it can't "feel" anything but it moved and got its balance back like a real dog.

Call me when they animate the Shinji, Auska hospital scene in such high quality CG lol

What do you say to some one you hate?

How are they going to know, unless you tell them? I guess they must have their gaydar up and running

Especially when they have a strong female character like Lighting and with her last game add a dress up mechanic and jiggle physics >.>

With that mustache how could you not know? (^o^)

I agree 1000% I play solo very seldom but when my buddies are on we start around 10pm and stop around 5am lol with a dedicated group it is so much better.