
It's so they don't forget their wi-fi code.

It's so they don't forget their wi-fi code.

@Hardcore: Wait, I thought it was oil in Iraq, no that's right it's the gold in Afghanistan.

@8oardR1der: When Ubuntu stops naming their OS's after animals (real or not).

If everyone had one of these instead, yes it would be trendy.

I love Chrome, but setting up networks is impossible, especially updating firmware on routers. I have had the same problems with Firefox too, so I guess I am forced to keep IE around.

@cheesetruncheon: Yeah I guess it wasn't BP that had knowledge of a possible safety hazard that could and should have been taken care of to prevent any possible disaster. Let's just blame the President for not conducting a personal security check of every oil rig.

@TreyWaters: Nobody read this whole discussion before posting! It might lead no less comments addressing something I already covered!

@jsm5096: I was unaware that the knowledge of Huntington's disease was limited to an unrealistic television series, thanks!

@Dr. What?: Well I am not unwilling to try and see your point of view and I am all for preventative measures in almost every aspect of life. I can also see where you are coming from too. I think this debate could go on for a very long time and become very heated. I would personally find it very hard having to deal

@CrimsonKnight: I would like to apologize for my ignorance of genetic testing regarding insurance companies.

@leninwtigger: Too bad there are a lot of genetic disorders that there is no cure for and it becomes a waiting game until you develop symptoms. I am also sure that no insurance company is going to let people get treated for an aliment that they don't have any symptoms of yet. Not even Socialized Healthcare would

Who sends their children's DNA to a company to get tested for diseases? That is a choice that should be reserved for the child to make when they are older, regardless of what the parents see fit. Can you image finding out that you will die of Huntington's disease when you are a child? I can't fathom what it would be

Note: Play the clip on mute.

@tomsomething: I think the term is fused, but I don't know anything about glassware either.

Apple; the company that is waging a war on open content, is seriously using the openness of HTML5 as a plus? #irony

@cjp: Prostitute mountain? Have fun with herpasyfphalidAIDS.

Call me when it is jailbroken.