
@-AP-: thanks I will try that out.

Anyone familiar with setting up an additional router to run off the previous one?

@mac_daddy: I will keep that in mind. I feel sorry for anyone with a HOA and hope to never be apart of one.

Too bad the wired article didn't come with instructions on how to butcher the chickens or gut the fish like a geek too.

Wait, I have dreams that I alter all the time but I am always in the first person... is that unusual?

@wirebrain: Well regarding the 1st requirement. Sure it is not legal for a police officer to pull you over for no reason, but as being raised by a police officer I know that they can pull you over if they suspect you are doing something wrong, meaning a police officer could easily say you are being pulled over for a

I had one of these for my PSone

@rzd: no matter how far you can put your hand in the chain is not long enough to be undone while the door is open, thats why it is (somewhat) effective. Seems you missed that in the article huh?

Alright so I get everyone who has mentioned gold plating being an advantage over steel because of corrosion issues. This would be an advantage if you used these cables in the shower, or fishtank, or a raingutter, or where ever you need them.

Can't decide whether this is really awesome or a waste of time considering how little I would play it and not to mention how uncomfortable that looks.

@AmishJohn: Pretty sure that's a Queen, just saying.

@playstationpwns: If you think religion is a waste of time (which I am assuming you are), then wouldn't the very argument of its validity be also a waste of time?