
Most definitely! I was so amped when Roy finally got killed. Then the over the top campiness of drinking from his heart like a tropical cocktail just made it icing on the cake!

Quagmire agrees.

I drink your milkshake! I drink it all up!

C-C-C-Combo Breaker by the SFPD!

I know there is a joke here about compensating for something, can't figure it out.

"you can give him the privilege of making a lifetime commitment to you and then you will give him the gift of a child"

Where is the source link?

Interesting info, replying to promote.

Stuck deciding between this, the Vaio Z, and the Samsung 9 series. Decisions, decisions. Something awesome is always right around the corner. Such is the joy and pain of being a tech lover.

Ssshh, that kinda talk is heresy....

Yes, Ken could have won if he had bet more than $1k, assuming Watson kept his small bet. Either way, Watson would have won on totals alone since he dominated on the first day.

Yep, first thing I thought of too. Classic line from an excellent film.

Dang, you guys get to watch the Super Bowl at work. Lucky.

Now playing

Sledge? I think you mean sled. This is AMERICA!!!

Well, now I can wait for the Z68 chipset instead. I was debating on buying the P67 now, but I have an excuse to splurge later.

@brijazz: He's still not saying it doesn't cost money to make.

Hipster bait. The ironic potential is too much to resist.

That heat map is not very convenient at all.

@DeadlyForceInstructor: Not necessarily. I think if you buy direct from Verizon then you have to pay the $30 fee. Otherwise, if you buy from a reseller or authorized retailer then it is not required to pay for it.

@dapper_otter: More maneuverable from the looks of the video and less weight.