
Yeah, I know. Coyle cross-checked Keith in the face, then tripped him, and Keith got suspended for waving a stick towards his head in retaliation.


The Court is NOT on Dr. Luke’s “side.” The Judge merely applied the law to the facts. As an attorney one of the hardest things to deal with are bad facts. They are what they are and we do our best to construe them most favorably to our clients but ultimately Judges have no discretion to choose a “side” they like. It’s

You failed to mention that in a 2011 Deposition under Oath, Kesha stated that she had never been drugged, assaulted or raped by Dr. Luke. She is either lying now or was lying then. Or is your narrative more important than the facts?

It’s not a typo. A typo would be like “Nwe Yrok State Judge” or “Stayed Judge.” This is just a plain fuck-up. I make ‘em all the time. Just own it.

Of course it’s not a “typo” at all, is it. A “typo” is something like “Californis,” which is pretty understandable because the “s” key is right next to the “a” key on the keyboard. Here, you’re purporting to give a valid opinion about a legal proceeding and it turns out, you’re really not the right person to be doing

Let’s face it, Madeleine. You’re qualified to (1) write blog posts about celebrity gossip, (2) free-associate about feminist critical “theory,” and (3) very little else.

Uh, not a U.S. Supreme Court judge. A New York state judge. New York state trial courts are called “Supreme Courts” (even though they are actually the lowest courts in NY, not the highest as you might think given the word “Supreme”).