
It was a crossover project. Namco had a booth set up at the convention advertising it as the only place you could play Soul Calibur 6.

I came here to find out the exact same thing!

I came here to find out the exact same thing!

It’s an expression. It means he was making fun of it. And if I had to guess the poster is probably British.

I hope that’s a joke... I honestly can’t tell.

Except this isn’t any kind of spoiler! What a bunch of butt-hurt idiots...

There’s two buttons on the PS4. The bottom one is the eject button, the top is power. If you just tap the power button, it puts the system into standby mode with orange light. To get it to completely power down, you have to hold the button. It’ll beep once when you first press it, and you have to continue holding the

Twice actually. He did it for Gohan before the Cell games, when Gohan asked for an outfit like his.

He could’ve pulled it off. He did the voice of Tomahome in Fushigi Yumi, sounds much younger. He actually really has to strain his voice to do solid the snake, he’s complained before about how he’s almost lost his voice doing recordings.

Hate to tell you, but Solid Snake was blonde too. At the beginning of MGS, after they snatch him out of retirement in Alaska and explain the situation to him, they show him a picture of the terrorist leader. He shocked that they look alike. So he cuts his hair aND dies it so that he’s not accidentally confused for the

Hate to tell you, but Solid Snake was blonde too. At the beginning of MGS, after they snatch him out of retirement in Alaska and explain the situation to him, they show him a picture of the terrorist leader. He shocked that they look alike. So he cuts his hair aND dies it so that he’s not accidentally confused for the

But everyone seems to forget the trailer they released at TGS 2014, the end of last year, had a very similar feel and style to it, also being shown in a first person perspective. I’m sure P.T. itself might not have been a part of the final game, but it was very indicative of the direction they were aiming for.