
Benedict Cumberbatch


Only if there's more than meets the eye!

Yup! More than I care about Transformers and killer bees!

I shouldn't even be posting here, considering I haven't seen this episode yet, but I'm calling in to say I'm still on board with Sleepy Hollow. Good to hear there's still some craziness left in those scriptwriters. Dark Katrina seems to be the Big Bad set up for next season, I'm guessing. I can deal with that!

Hello, whore.

"This Big Seat"

I'm probably thinking of that tour. Due to it being a festival gig, I didn't pay as much attention as I should have to costume changes. I was standing too far away, while I usually want to be on the rail.

Haven't listened to any of his more recent records, but both this review and your comment make me eager to try this one out.
I travel on public transport every day, and there's nothing quite as good as MM to liven up the inane drag of making the daily journey to and from work.

Same here. I pretty much love all his stuff, even though I sort of lost touch with his music after Holy Wood, but the only time I was ever able to see him live (at the Lowlands Festival in the Netherlands), several years ago, he looked tired. After each song the stage blacked out, for about 20 - 30 seconds. It just

Mechanical Animals was MM's best record. Please discuss…

I love 'From the Choirgirl Hotel'. I was really pleased when I got to get an in-store promo CD of the album a week or two before the album actually came out, due to the guys working there knowing how much of a fan I was back then.


Your major and ironic flaw is the fact that you yourself are generalizing 'Europeans'. Now it's fair to say that we all live on the continent known as 'Europe', but if you'd have any actual interest or knowledge about Europe, you'd find that hardly anyone on this content would define themselves as European. There are

No. they are not 'age old stereotypes'. These are all actual and current stone-cold facts.
I certainly can't speak for other countries in Europe, but here our government, both local and national, have set up plenty of programs to help the Roma regarding housing and education. While we do exactly the same for other

Many tales are known of fraud associated with these 'services' you mention. In fact, only within their families and clans do the Roma feel any moral obligations, and being able to profit from outsiders is seen as a source of pride, rather than shame.

This is the question of the chicken and the egg: which came first? There is indeed a relationship between the stealing and the begging and the discrimination of Roma, but not in the way you are suggesting; you seem to imply that the discriminition and oppression left the Roma no other recourse but to steal and beg.

Unfortunately, when it comes to Roma, most of what you are stating is actually true. They do not adapt within the communities they visit, they do not want to integrate, and they see the people around them as nothing more than 'cash cows': they have an extreme view of insiders and outsiders.

When I read the name, I could only think: is there someone else with the name Crispian Mills??? Evidently, there is not.
I have to admit, I liked Kula Shaker, even saw them live a couple of times.

Sound slike you watched the same Neighbours period as I did: '80's and '90's. I drove my uni housemates crazy with my insistance to watch Neighbours. I was totally addicted. Eventually, I also dropped it early 00's, due to uninspired plots.
Still, it's hard for me to see Guy Pierce in a movie and not think of him as