
I’ll never understand DDOS attacks. They never actually cause any lasting effect and the only people really hurt are the average consumer, not the company itself.

These are the same parents that leave the PG-13 movie, with their 8 years old, and start bitching that it was ‘too violent/sexy/etc.’ for kids. No shit. That’s why it’s rated for teens and older, and even then you should use some fucking discretion.

I was at Casino Royale and there was a dad with two kids in front of me who were already on the verge of tears watching Bond murder a guy in the bathroom.

My girlfriend’s nephews are just full of questions about Deadpool. Who would have thought a superhero who acts like a 5th grader would be popular with 5th graders.

Nothing about Deadpool is subtle. Why would we expect his marketing to be any less?

Nevermind Kotaku. Bethesda should have been nicer to RPG fans.