
@Ian Logsdon: You certainly can. In fact Google sees the Ad revenue as the primary money maker in Android. That plus the money they make from App sales.

This is an interesting graph for handset makers. I think a graph with OS would be a little different. It's interesting that Apples Marketshare is increasing at a much smaller rate than it's profit. Of course, they did start from 0% cell phone profit not long ago so % growth should be much higher compared to others.

@dantheman12: right, though that appears to be an artificial limit that will go away after Dish's exclucivity is done.

wow, split pretty evenly between iPhone and Android.

It's the Motorola Q9A (for Android!)

@zepants: get thee an Xbox 360 (and compatible ISP)

@Peter Zanetti: I'm not saying that they don't want people to buy iBooks, but Apple is focused on selling hardware at the moment. It's better to have more choice to attact people to buy hardware and then focus on converting them to iBooks.

Maybe if they have their own App store they can prevent third party book sellers from selling content on their tablet?

I think the perfect actress to play Dr. Elisabeth Shannon in Terra Nova would be...

@Ravennl: you have to stick this between those two:

@Windhawk: Thanks. I was baffled on how we got from Myrtus to that story.

@jdmcd: nailed it.

@mahiskali: Yeah, why wasn't Verizon just a carrier choice for phones without keyboards.

@soldstatic: Hulu is going to the PS3 first and will be on the 360 next spring according to Hulu.

These systems are very impressive. There is a moment when you forget you are in a video room. Though not always.

I would think a very fine sandpaper would work equally as well.