
Open the user reviews and scroll through to see how many mention the story vs how many mention SJW.

I said most. Also, it’s not exactly spoilers if it’s well known and highly talked about. Also, cherry pick much? I opened up the user reviews and on the first page found at least 10 of them are about the story being utter crap.

Most of those reviews are about how crappy the story is, the false advertising (Joel helping Elly in the trailer and then they switch it to Jesse), and the fact that you kill a beloved character (Joel)from the first game and then have to play as the murderer (Abby)for half the game.

Well, this isn’t biased at all. /s

Racist? How was is kekistan racist? It’s a friggin’ parody of the alt-right. They’re making fun of both the left and the right with it. And you all fell for it.

And what of those antifa thugs that were beating on an unconscious man in Berkley? Oh, right. They were wearing masks.